Pretty new things...

I know, I know. It's about time I've done a haul. 

So here are a few things I've acquired in the last month or so. I have reviews coming for everything I've shown (if I haven't already posted one).

I need to put myself on a makeup ban or at the very least, stop creating shopping lists in my head while I'm shopping.

Please let me know what you've purchased lately! Link me some blog posts, I love to live vicariously through other people ;).


Products shown (no particular order -- will update with links to posts where applicable):

Chantecaille Just Skin, Dior Addict Gloss in Orange Pareo, Dior Nude Tan bronzer, Dior Pink in Love blush, Lancome blush/highlighter Fall Collection*, Lancome Hypnose Star mascara*, Lancome Le Curler*, Lancome Rouge in Love 322M, MAC Blushbaby, MAC Frankly Scarlet, Mason Pearson hair brush, NARS Deep Throat, Real Techniques Expert Face brush, Real Techniques Stippling brush, Revlon cream blushes, Tarte Amazonian Clay blush in Tipsy, YSL Glossy Stain #15

* These three items were kindly given to me from Lancôme. All the other items were purchased with my own money.


  1. I am on a makeup ban! I have a big post coming up showing exactly why too lol. It's just so hard!

    1. I may seriously have to start one! Perhaps for July? I've been good and I haven't purchased a single product this month so far! Can't wait to read it! x

  2. great haul. you have all the products i've been lusting over and more. lucky girl <3

  3. I totally understand you! Makeup shopping or just shopping alone is too dangerous!!! I just bought the pink gloss from the Dior summer collection. It's such a pretty color and I just love it's consistency. I also hauled some Japanese makeup. So excited to use them :) I have some pics of them on my instagram, check my pics out if you are interested. Lynndiful

    1. Definitely! Should always shop with one other person... I need a buffer between myself and the makeup. I adore your instagram! I want to go back and like every picture! x

  4. Nars Deep Throat is my absolute fave blush. Such a pretty color!

    1. My favourite is Orgasm, but it is quickly becoming Deep Throat. These names make me blush though lol x

  5. Oooh, so many pretty things! I have my shopping list constantly open as an Excel spreadsheet! I need to be on a shopping ban too! I calculated what I spent on beauty products last month and it was a shocking $550!!!

    1. It's crazy how things add up! My bank account hates me haha x

  6. There's a few things there that I've been wanting to try :)
    How are you finding the hairbrush? Is it worth it?

    1. The brush is lovely! I think it was worth it! I've been using it everyday since I got it and I can definitely tell the difference in my hair. It looks smoother, less frizzy, and there's a shine to it. My hair still needs a serious deep condition though, the summer heat is very drying! :(

  7. I really want the revlon cream blushes, can't wait for your review:)

    1. I will try to have it up soon! I have taken all the pictures and swatches already. I just have to get to writing :).

  8. Awesome haul! I bought a few new nail polishes this month, but mostly all the stuff I am reviewing was from major hauls last month. But I guess we are only 7 days into July...sigh. Love the pictures!

    1. Ooh, I love nail polish. It blows my mind that it's July already!

  9. where did you find the revlon cream blushes?? i've been looking for them EVERYWHERE! :(

    1. I found them at Wal-mart on this dinky little cardboard stand. It wasn't very big, and it was kind of boring to look at. I stumbled upon it by accident actually. I haven't seen them at any Shoppers yet :(.

  10. Are the revlon cream blushes any good? :O

    1. I really like them! I've always enjoyed Revlon's cream blushes. They don't have amazing staying power, but they blend great and look lovely on! x

  11. Replies
    1. It is! Your blog post sealed the deal for me :).

  12. I've accumulated quite a few things during my birthday month haha :)

  13. wow great products!lucky you! love the real techniques brushes and the Revlon cream blushes look quite interesting.. havent seen them before must check them out... :) x Marina

  14. I'm curious about the Revlon cream blushes.
    Do you think you could talk about what's the best way of applying them and setting them so they last in the summer heat?
    Great shopping choices!

  15. Ahh lovvee this haul and your video on it.. though it tempts me to spend money :P

    xo Miss you pretty girl

